[free-sklyarov] California woman sues CD company over user tracking technology

Xcott Craver sacraver at EE.Princeton.EDU
Fri Sep 7 10:47:49 PDT 2001


	Her complaint, in a nutshell, is that all this DRM crap was thrown
	in without any warning sticker on the box.  It's pretty scary
	stuff, too:  the CD can't be played on a computer; instead it
	appears that one can download versions of the songs in a
	proprietary format that can not be loaded onto a portable MP3
	player.  Aaand, the user must supply personal information in
	order to get them.

	So, this takes us back to the issue of putting warning labels
	on CDs that are impaired by DRM etc etc.  Would this suit
	bring that closer to reality?

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