[free-sklyarov] Copyright Contradictions

Seth Johnson seth.johnson at RealMeasures.dyndns.org
Thu Aug 8 21:10:00 PDT 2002

Seth Finkelstein wrote:
>         Well, what works? I must admit I've not had a
> great deal of success myself. Maybe there's nothing we
> can do. I don't claim to be an expert at such
> convincing. I'm only sharing empirical problems I've
> encountered from my own experiences in trying to
> convince skeptical people. If the world is divided into
> the unconvertable, and the choir singing
> they're-coming-to-take-us-away, that's disheartening.

Actually, organizing is best done by pitching to the choir. 
The key is to show those who agree with you something in
motion, and thereby find the ones who are looking for
something real to be a part of.  That's how you recruit the
leaders and build a movement.  Organizers "call to emulate."

It isn't about spin or consciousness-raising, which the
"preaching to the choir" line implies, whenever you hear it
brought against you.

Seth Johnson


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Original authorship should be attributed reasonably, but
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