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Tue Jul 13 09:23:37 PDT 2004

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if others disagree with what we do or say, they still love us. They accept
us. They appreciate our contributions to the world. While it would be
wonderful to have these types of relationships with all people, we know that
that's hard to do. We can, however, have them with some others, but only
when we first have them with ourselves-and, ironically, this is often the
hardest relationship of all. 
And why do we do that? That is the real question. Perhaps some of us just
get so caught up in the fact that a man is merely talking to begin with. And
even more so the fact that they are talking to us. How many of us walk
around life starving from lack of conversation, stimulating conversation,
with a man?
imishin2ekisaito16kafukyuu,aiexpert jinruish. 

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