[svfig-announce] Meeting February 28, 2009

Kevin Appert forther at comcast.net
Tue Feb 24 17:39:35 GMT 2009

--- SVFIG Meeting February 28, 2009  ---

Stanford will be our regular venue.

Please note that the times are not cast in concrete!  We might go a 
little long or short on any agenda item.  If you're desperate to see 
something at a particular time, please let us know!

We'll be on the fifth floor of Terman Engineering Center --- Room 556
Directions and map links are below.

> > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


10:15 --- eFORTH IN C --- CH Ting
"I decide to bite the bullet and really learn C to rewrite eForth. I 
bought the book, C Programming for the Absolute Beginner by Michael 
Vine, and started from Chapter 1. I got gcc, M4, and MAKE with cygwin on 
my PC. I think it is probably easier to work with cygwin than 
MicroVision from Keil."

11:40 --- LUNCH
To avoid the "noon lemming effect" we'll go to lunch a little early.

13:00 --- Introductions, Announcements, Rumors, and Random Access

Interactive testing requires intrusive artifacts on the Intellasys 
platform, which may interfere with cores important to the functioning of 
the rest of the chip. Using light-weight formal methods within an 
iterative development process helps guarantee successful software with 
minimal debugging infrastructure and effort.

Fifty engineering topic channels. Four new episodes per week.  It worked 
last time, and some of the stuff is pretty cool!

14:46 --- Break

15:00 --- INTERESTING ITEMS, Volume 13 --- Dave Jaffe
Dave will continue his survey of interesting newly-introduced 
microcontrollers, I/O peripherals, sensors, products, and gadgets that 
can provide useful and unique capabilities to Forth embedded systems. If 
anyone has come across anything that fits this category, pass them along 
to him for inclusion in his presentation.

15:30 --- ADJORN

15:31 --- INDOCTRINATE U, Extra Bonus Footage
There are a couple of clips on the DVD which weren't shown last month.
It's a little off-topic but important!  Note that this the version with
explicit language.  There will be no Forth discussed afterwards so if
you're not interested you're free to leave.  This should be done by 16:00.


"Speech codes. Censorship. Enforced political conformity. Hostility to
diversity of opinion. Sensitivity training. We usually associate such
things totalitarian regimes, not with the American universities that
nurtured the free speech movement."

> > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

The schedule above may be reformatted or line-justified but
please transmit verbatim or not at all.   Any font you like is
alright with me.

No Newsgroup posts or other media distribution this month please!

   > > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Wireless Internet access is anticipated (though not guaranteed) at
Stanford, so bring your wi-fi enabled laptop.

> > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Coming to SVFIG:
* Bring speaker suggestions TO EVERY MEETING!


* Update on IntellaSys Chips - John Rible
The chips John Rible will be selling to SVFIG are in test now and
perhaps he'll be at the meeting to give us an update.

* Prototyping with QFP Parts - Kevin Appert
"I saw an article in the September 2008 issue of Circuitous Cellar
entitled "Prototyping with QFP Parts". If someone tells me "that sounds
interesting" I'll break out the article into a few PowerPoint (or the
Open Office Impress equivalent) charts and traipse through it. "

* Engineering TV
Fifty engineering topic channels. Four new episodes per week.
We have to try this out to see if Stanford's WIFI will keep up.

* Andy Korsak has been working on accessing sound cards from
Forth for amateur radio applications.  His preliminary
work is posted at the Win32Forth Yahoo group under
files/users/korsak.  Membership is required to see the files.
If you don't want to jump through the hoops, Dave has posted
a recent version of the files here:

> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Check the SVFIG web site at http://www.forth.org/svfig/
for last minute changes to this schedule.
The most up-to-date meeting information is at

Many thanks to our wonderful Webmaster, Dave Jaffe.

Preliminary agenda along with schedule updates and
discussion may frequently be found on the SVFIG email list.
To subscribe send email to geoperry_at_gmail.com

Please let us know if this isn't your preferred email address for the
SVFIG-Announce mailing list.  Thanks for your patience.

Please suggest a speaker or present at a SVFIG meeting.

Please do not attempt to reply to svfig-announce at ...

> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Terman Engineering Center can be found on these maps - just search for
Terman: (going to maps.google.com gives an erroneous result)


Searchable Stanford Campus Map:  http://ucomm.stanford.edu/cgi-bin/map/

There is open parking on weekends. Park in any A or C or metered space.

Take the elevator to the 5th floor. Walk across the foyer and up the
ramp just to the left of the glassed-in office. Room 556 is at the top
of the ramp - entrance on the left.


15:30 --- Adjourn

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