[Taocow PBEM] Chapter IV: The Emerald Isle

Aaron Clausen mightymartianca at alberni.net
Sun Apr 3 13:59:27 PDT 2005

> > [GM]
> > A good many eyes fix on Rod and Arden.
> > [/GM]

> [Alex]
> Alex replies, "I wish we did not have to kill anyone here because they did
> save our lives from the ocean. Still, we are stuck with what we have no.
> Do we want to use this boat to get to this city of Dublin or by other
> means?
> [/Alex]

Phaeton nods in agreement.  "Such loss of life grieves me and She who guides
me.  Though I wish to leave this boat as soon as possible, I can think of no
faster way to get to land, however."

> [Kyle]
> Kyle lands near the group cracks open his suit.  As he is getting out he
> says "We might as well use the boat.  We should draw less attention that
> way."
> [/Kyle]

> [Alex]
> Not really happy about the situation, Alex simply nods
> [/Alex]

"I don't want to swim," Bongo says, "so I think getting this ship in is the
best bet."

> [Osiris]
> With the group gathering around Rod and the camera to take a look at the
> mysterious white figure the cyberknight moves over to where the captain
> lies and carefully looks at the rune sword.
> [/Osiris]

Osiris can't determine anything precise about its nature, leans down to pick
it up and feels an intense stabbing pain in his arm as he grasps it.  His
hand spasms and he drops the sword back to the ground.

"You alright, buddy?" Bongo says, leaning down and hoisting the sword,
without so much as a twinge.  "Kinda big for me, you still want it Osiris?"

> [Osiris]
> Kneeling down beside the captain he recites a quick prayer and using
> his hand he pushes close the man's still wide open eyes. "You fought very
> well captain and i wish your soul can rest in peace as you have gone to a
> better place."
> [/Osiris]

Several of the sailors look in wonder at Osiris, then take their hats off
and bow their heads.

> [Osiris]
> Looking over at Bongo, Osiris says "Yo B, you wanna help me out with the
> body? He should be given a proper resting place....lets put him back into
> his cabin and decide later."

"Sure thing, Osiris." Bongo replies, placing the rune sword back on the
deck, and helps Osiris lift the Captain's body to his cabin.

> [/Osiris]
> When they are in the captain's cabin, Osiris puts the body on the bed and
> cover the body with a blanket. Then with Bongo he searches for anything
> which might help them figure out what is going on here.
> [/Osiris]

The room is sparsely decorated.  A few pictures, an oak chest with some
clothes, a few books, but nothing in the way of valuable personal momentoes,
save only for a framed picture of a beautiful, dark-haired woman.  On the
inside of the frame is a folded piece of paper and another picture, of the
same woman, but much younger and laying in a bed, pale and sickly.

The piece of paper has only the following written on it: "Lat.36 Long.81".

[Meanwhile, above deck...]

"I shall instruct the crew to make steam for Dublin." Phaeton says.

Suddenly, one of the crew shouts "Hey!  Look over the side."  Everyone on
deck peers over and sees a figure swimming for all he's got towards the

"Silly bastard'll never make it!" someone shouts.  "Who is it?" someone else
says.  "I'll wager it's Silbran.  He an' the Capn' was mighty close."

Aaron Clausen	mightymartianca at alberni.net

Palladium Rifts PBEM:

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