[Taocow PBEM] Chapter VI: Whence The Lizard Man?

Brenton Bartholom abbart at iqconnect.net.au
Thu Aug 18 04:08:45 PDT 2005

> [GM]
> The boy wipes a few tears from his eyes and then bows.  "It's my honor to
> serve you people." he says.  Then he darts off down the road, and after he
> is several feet away, the sounds of crying can be heard, finally 
> silenced as
> he turns around a corner a number of blocks down the street.
> Phaeton's eyes follow the boy as he disappears, an inscrutable look on the
> tattooed man's face.  Lena, on the other hand, seems a little irate.
> "Very nice you two, making a little boy cry." she says.  "Well, what are we
> all doing then?"
> [/GM]

"Well I am going to get my gear and going after our friend and see if I 
cant get some answers from him."

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