[Taocow PBEM] Experience Points

Aaron Clausen mightymartianca at alberni.net
Thu Feb 17 13:32:00 PST 2005

Aaron Clausen wrote:
> I've been pondering this for a while now, and I think it's long past due 
> to start giving out XP for the last two years of play.  I'm going to 
> have to review things a bit, there's a fair bit of reading, but I'll try 
> to get things done within the next couple of weeks.

May be won't take too long, though I'm still at the first turns, which 
were very short.  Anyways, I'm making a diary file, of which this is a 

# PC,Turn,Description,Score
"Bongo","Turn 3","Kills a Dead Boy",25
"Kyle","Turn 3","Kills a Dead Boy attacking Rod",50
"Alex","Turn 3","Grabs St. Pierre and removes him from the bar",100
"Kyle","Turn 3","Disables a Dead Boy",25

I should be able to grab a total score at the end of it for each player.

Aaron Clausen	mightymartianca at alberni.net

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