[Taocow PBEM] [Ted] Chapter IX - In The Ruins Of Old Chicago (Private)

Aaron Clausen mightymartianca at gmail.com
Fri Apr 28 14:40:31 PDT 2006

> > [Ted]
> > "I  hear and obey," the lizard man replies in a monontone voice. He
> > returns to the fallen elf, picks him up and follows the others toward the
> > vehicles. All the while, he wonders silently who put the Ice Queen in
> > charge.
> > [/Ted]
> [GM]
> Even as Ted turns to run he suddenly feels a splitting headache thatdoubles
> him over.  the others see Ted and Arden go down.
> [/GM]

The pain in Ted's head intensifies, and he feels as if he's falling,
and the falling seems to go on for an eternity.  Images race around
him, and gradually he senses that they are pieces of his journies, and
of that of friends, acquaintances and even enemies.

Suddenly he finds himself lying on a verdent green lawn, with flowers
of undescribable colors all around.  Apples trees can be seen in the
distance, thick with fruit.  The sun hangs low in the sky, and seems
much too big for Earth's.  As Ted turns, he sees Arden lying still,
his face glowing and a look of peace and majesty upon him.

"Alas, but he could not complete his quest." a lilting female voice
says behind Ted. He turns to see a woman of exquisite beauty and
grace, long dark hair, dark skin, piercing brown eyes, wearing white
robes and a golden ring on her finger that seems to burn with its own
internal fire.

"Welcome Ted Smythe." she says.  "We have matters of great import to
discuss, and things that you will not like so much, I am afraid."

She offers Ted a hand, and with the other beckons to a small stone
table where two tall glasses of some golden substance stand.

Aaron Clausen   mightymartianca at gmail.com

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