[Taocow PBEM] Chapter VIII - The Portal And Beyond...

J L tolrick_stonecleaver at yahoo.com
Mon Feb 27 05:26:23 PST 2006

> > [GM]
> > As Lady Frost peaks around the corner she sees a
> distressingly familiar
> > sight.  Walking down the hall, a horrible grin on
> its face, is a short,
> > blue-skinned humanoid with large solid red eyes,
> three slits for a 
> > nose, and
> > two rows of shiny metallic fangs in its round
> mouth.  It seems to be 
> > talking
> > to someone in a low murmur, though nothing can be
> seen.
> > [/GM] 
> [Alex]
> The ex-Coalition Ranger can only shake her head.
> [/Alex]

[Lady Frost]

"Why can we not cut a break here?"

She quickly, but gently, moves the few people in the
tunnel with her back into the side passage.

Once done she grabbed Bongo's arm.

"Quick, when that automaton attacked us last time we
were here,  at the fire when the little guide took
off, which way did it come at us from?  Behind us or
in front?"

Looking farther down the side passage to see if there
was any room to run in if needed she continued.

"Behind, this is the same one and we want to avoid it
like ourselves.  In front, and we want to trash this
one so it doesn't jump into a fight it wasn't ever in
and wreck us while we're busy."

Part of her was fervently hoping this was a new one. 
She had a serious need to pay something back for the
loss of St. Pierre and Osiris.

[/Lady Frost]

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