[Taocow PBEM] Chapter VII - Into the Land of Mists <in tower>

Kitsune kitsunefx at netzero.com
Wed Jan 18 08:00:05 PST 2006

Troy Imlach wrote:

>--- Aaron Clausen <mightymartianca at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>Suddenly, even as Osiris finishes speaking, the
>>tunnel floor pitches
>>>violently from an explosion far above.  A large
>>crack appears in the
>>>ceiling and a few alarming pieces of stone fall
>>noisily to the ground.
>>>Lena cries.  "Something must be happening above!"
>>As chaos rains down on those inside the tower,
>>radios chirp and Alex
>>can be heard.
>>"Hawk to someone inside. We have problems. Anybody
>>have any escape ideas?"
>Talas responds to both Alex and bongo's request "My
>Freinds this is Talas. I beleave we have what you
>asked for. We have come across a portale in the towers
>basment. I'll meet you at the top of the Tower. Talas
"Acknowledged" comes a kurt reply. She yells to everybody outside, "Lets 
get in the tower and through the  portal. Don't love the idea of another 
portal but no choice." The CS Ranger begins backing up into the tower.

some who do not understand mystery speak of things which they do not 
understand, but they will boast that the mystery of the truth belongs 
to them alone.
- Gnostic Saying

Email:     kitsune at addr.com or Foxtrot_Xray at Hotmail.com
Homepage:  http://www.kitsune.addr.com/
ICQ:       23146924

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