[Taocow PBEM] Chapter IX - The King Of The River - Corrected Repost

Alex Bayne hayden.bayne at gmail.com
Tue Nov 27 02:23:46 GMT 2007

> [GM]
> Despite this troubling incident, the rest of the evening goes on
> without incident.  The waitress isn't seen again, however, and Max's
> bright smile betrays a bit of concern.
> As the meal is finished, Max comes up to the company.  "You're
> more than welcome to stay here and enjoy the next show." he says.
> "I've got your rooms prepared.  When you've got yourselves set up, I
> have a thing or two I'd like to talk to you about."
> [/GM]
>> [Ted]
>> Ted looks around at his companions and says, "Not to be a party
>> pooper, but I vote early to bed, early to rise."
>> [/Ted]

"I agree.  And as there haven't been any objections, I trust you won't  
mind if I retire to my own apartment and join you all on your journey  
come morning.  Unless," she adds to Max with a raised eyebrow, "there  
is something urgent that you need?"

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