[Taocow PBEM] Chapter XVI - Into The Southlands

Aaron Clausen mightymartianca at gmail.com
Tue May 27 21:44:23 BST 2008

> > [GM]
> > "IMPOSSIBLE" the voice shouts, so loud that it can be heard from
> > the boat on the river.  "The K'murd-faka was driven from this
> > dimension.  While the Sword of Akirax remains intact, the demon
> > cannot reform its body.  You are liars, liars who bring a demon to
> > disturb the slumber of Akirax."
> >
> > All the shaking stops.  There is absolute silence.  Then, beneath
> > their feet, they feel a subsonic rumble.
> > [/GM]

> [Alex]
> Alex does not think of herself as strong, just someone who does what she
> thinks is best. Unfortunately, sometimes what is best is extremely
> confusing or simply does not exist. She almost wishes she was a mage or
> something to understand what is going on.
> All Alex can do is point her rifle towards the island and watch through
> her scope
> [/Alex]

The crew seem as uneasy as Alex.  The begin to mumble among themselves.
Clearly no amount of authority is going to keep these men in line much longer.

"You may be pointing your gun in the wrong direction." Osiris says quietly to
Alex, before getting on to Lady Frost's ice bridge, and making his way slowly
towards the island.

[Meanwhile, back on the island...]

> [Ted]
> Ted lowers his rifle as his companion speaks. When Koba finishes his
> entreaty, the lizard  man adds, "Amen," half expecting the great
> warrior's spirit to appear.
> [/Ted]

> > [GM]
> > "IMPOSSIBLE" the voice shouts, so loud that it can be heard from
> > the boat on the river.  "The K'murd-faka was driven from this
> > dimension.  While the Sword of Akirax remains intact, the demon
> > cannot reform its body.  You are liars, liars who bring a demon to
> > disturb the slumber of Akirax."
> >
> > All the shaking stops.  There is absolute silence.  Then, beneath
> > their feet, they feel a subsonic rumble.
> > [/GM]

> [Ted]
< "No, really, it is true. We have come to take the sword to finish what
> Akirax began." The lizard man wishes Frost would hurry back with Osiris
> or this is going to one short interview.
> Just in case, Ted steps closer to the ladder. If it comes down to it, Ted can
>  throw Carlos and Koba up threw the opening and them jump out himself.
> [/Ted]

> [Koba]
> Quickly Koba attempts to sense if there is any evil approaching and if so
> from what direction. Watching the others move towards the ladder, he
> realizes that may be a good idea at this point.
> [/Koba]

There is the very faint scent of evil coming from somewhere on Koba's own

> [Carlos]
> "Perhaps I have had a false vision. It's probably not the first time it has
> happened. I guess we'll soon find out."
> [/Carlos]

> [Ted]
> Ted mumbles, "Please do not tell me you saw this place burned into a slice
> of toast."
> [/Ted]

Suddenly the voice speaks again.  "A vision, you say?  Perhaps you do not
know of the evil you bring.  Someone here possesses a staff that contains
some of the essence of Glathrak, a demon minion of the K'murd-faka.  But
you must provide the key.  Only then will it be shown to be true."

Aaron Clausen
mightymartianca at gmail.com

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