[Taocow PBEM] Chapter XVII - On The Border Of Doom

Aaron Clausen mightymartianca at gmail.com
Tue Sep 30 17:11:39 BST 2008

> > [Amanda Connors]
> > "He's back at the boat." Amanda says.  "So, are we going to head out
> > without Osiris and that girl?"
> > [/Amanda Connors]

> [Ted]
> "We might as well. Louissa can keep him company and it will provide
> good motivation for Talas to come back."
> [/Ted]

[Amanda Connors]
"I'm just not sure Osiris would ever forgive us for leaving him." Amanda
[/Amanda Connors]

> [Owen]
> "I may be able to help the injured a little, if you show me the way."
> [/Owen]

[Amanda Connors]
"What do you think?" Amanda says to the others.  "But if we go back,
we're either going to have to take that crazy girl with us, or knock her
on the head so she can't follow."
[/Amanda Connors]

Aaron Clausen
mightymartianca at gmail.com

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