[Taocow PBEM] [Oz, Vesper, Alex and Anne] Book 3 - Chapter XIV - Belmont Abbey OOC

Aaron Clausen mightymartianca at gmail.com
Mon Feb 3 21:10:36 UTC 2014

>> [GM]
>> Keldon laughs, or at least that's what the gurgling sound coming from
>> his unseen mouth probably is. "I would have said you were from the New
>> German Republic, but Lone Star makes more sense. I will say, m'lady,
>> that you react better than some Coalition types have." He turns around
>> and reveals the stump of a tentacle. "This old wound is thanks to a
>> young Dead Head who took a, how shall I put it, more worried view of my
>> appearance."
>> "Now, my good people." Keldon says, hopping off the counter and standing
>> on about half of his tentacles. "We carry all types of items and spells,
>> but my specialty is temporal magic; spells, enchantments and, if I do
>> say so myself, a couple of awfully clever Technowizard devices, thanks
>> to Twelp."
>> "And," he says, giving Alex a somewhat disconcerting wink with three of
>> his eyes, "I carry a line of enchanted cosmetics that you might be
>> interested in. After all, m'lady," Keldon says knowingly, "you don't
>> seem quite so stunned of the mystic as one would expect from someone
>> from the Coalition."
>> [/GM]

OOC: Reordering a bit

> [Vesper]
> Hearing about the mystic cosmetics he gave Alex an interested look curious
> to see if she would want to try something that no Coalition Soldier he ever
> knew (Not that he knew many) would ever go for.
> [/Vesper]

> [Alex]
> Speaking up, the red headed scout states,  "I have to be honest, I am
> not sure that I have much money I can spend here. Coalition credits
> don't spend real well here. "
> She pauses for a few moments before continues, "Kind of curious though,
> what does enchanted cosmetics do?"
> [/Alex]

"It takes your considerable beauty and makes it legendary." Keldon
says. "It magnifies and enhances what is there, so that to those that
look upon you, even those who might find a female humanoid a less than
attractive affair, would view you as supremely beautiful."

"It is very popular with the ladies." he adds simply. "And I have
contacts in the New German Republic who can exchange Coalition credits
for NGR credits with a fifteen percent fee charged."

> [Vesper]
> "I could help you out Alex, don't worry if there is something I could buy for you
> I would love too."
> [/Vesper]

> [Alex]
> Nodding, Alex responds, "In the CS, my pay covered basic needs if I
> could not already just get them from the PX. Weapons and ammo were all
> covered."
> [/Alex]

> [Vesper]
> Presents the Splugorth staff one of the ones he has, "Would you be willing
> to accept something like this in trade ? As a master of dimensional magics
> myself I would be fascinated to learn some temporal magics to add to my
> repertoire."  He didn't really like the Splugorths weapons there was just
> something a bit unwholesome about them and the strange creatures floating
> in them.
> [/Vesper]

Keldon's eye blinks, and for a moment the odd store owner says nothing.

"It is a device of supreme revulsion, to be sure." Keldon says. "But
aside from the horror of the thing, it is insanely valuable. I will be
perfectly honest with you. I do not have funds sufficient to pay for
it. I could give you perhaps three hundred thousand credits, perhaps
that again in other items. But I am an honest broker, and I will tell
you now that I would turn around sell this to the Archbishop for
twenty times that price. If I were brave enough to venture to New
Camelot or the New German Republic, I might be able to double that."

"Let me make a proposal, sir and madam." Keldon says. "I could
introduce you to the Archbishop, which is something the average fellow
with a Splugorth Staff of Eylor might have a problem not being
arrested on the spot. We can negotiate a sale and my fee will be ten
percent of the sale price, as a finder's and broker's fee. In the
meantime, I will open a line of credit with you and your lady for,
say, five hundred thousand credits?"

Aaron Clausen
mightymartianca at gmail.com

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