97Oct18 02:40:21 AM From [i'm a prime,] Vervain [ironic rat.]

        here is the story about "pipe".
        several months ago one of my favorite toy stores here in bellingham was going out of business, and having a major clearance sale to boot. so, being thefreak i am, i went to check it out.
        there was a halloween stuff section. standard kind of fare, really--old makeup, squealing ghosts, etc...but then...THERE IT WAS: the rat.
        originally, i think, it was meant to be a straw. there was no other reason to have it s-shaped with a plastic tube going from tail-tip to mouth. but the minute i saw it i thought one thing, and when i showed it to jason, he did too. after having purchased a metal thimble and charging up the makita, we were good to go.
        yes, in just one half-hour, we were able to yank the plastic tubing out of this rat, drill a hole between its ears, and install the metal thimble. all it needs now is sealant to make it the perfect, airtight piece of DRUG PARAPHENELIA we originally envisioned.
        it's really rather scary. its name is the "rat king pipe."
        and that's how the "pipe" thing happened.