How to hack into pillbury dough cannisters

By Icebreaker/MFI/CCCP/USA/ExExEx/add your initials here

H4y phr33kz!! H3r3z h0w 2 h4ck d0uGh KaNNizt3rz!!

  1. Set the cannister on the countertop
  2. Look for words "open here" - sometimes if you luck out this can be done without a password!!
  3. If no labels is found looks for legend "open other end" this will set you on the correct homepath. NOTE: if you find this you must of course open THE OTHER END!
  4. Its unlikely you are being filmed but just in case you'd better be wearing sunglasses and a frightwig.
  5. try hitting the cannister sharply ONCE ONLY on the counter, striking the middle against the counter edge. If you do this a second time dough will fly everyplace and you'll get nailed!
  6. Once a crack appears you should be able to unroll the dough cannister counterclockwise to reveal a doughy surprise
  7. swallow ALL of the dough immediately and G3T Th3 PhuKK 0wt!!! d00d!!
I have hacked hella mega amounts of dough this way.