Nick's Moan And Gripe Page
(Preface to the First Edition)

It is coming to be known that all means for communication of ideas (heretofore referred to as "media") are quickly dissolving in favor of those means electronic. Let it also be known that while these media are in and of themselves blameles, they have lent themselves so easily to abuse and trickery that we often find ourselves buzzing from page to page like flies, "ooh"ing and "aaah"ing over pretty colors and ear-pleasing sounds.

"Why?" I hear you ask. "Why do people find a picture of the enterprise or the sound of beavis laughing so much more appealing when experienced through a $2000 beige plastic box?" Well, my friend, the answer is simple. It is more exciting because it is technologically advanced, conceptually sexy, and ridiculously unexplainable. When we see a photograph, we remember days spent with crayons, watercolors, or cameras. Images seen on a computer are wizardry for those who didn't grow up fooling with McPaint or Adobe PhotoChop.

Therefore let there be no false pretense! Let there be none among you who say "Nick's page is truly an oasis of content in a desert of frightful presentation!" Let it be known that my page is just as tacky, just as meaningless, and just as much a waste of your time as any other page your browser might show you!

So onward I say! Onward! Let the colors clash! Let the pointless bells ring out! Let the pictures grind ponderously to the screen! Let the tables tabulate, the forms formulate, and the frames screw up your browser! Let the idiotic text BLINK! Let all of heaven and earth idly click hither and yon!

Let the madcap hilarity begin!

[Envelope and quill] Mail questions, comments, suggestions, insults, flames, mailbombs, flash codes, uuencoded warez, rants, raves, song lyrics, pasta recipes and pornographic connect-the-dots works to