<fo0bar> Octal, did you know apple is selling a cellular phone? <Octal> fo0bar: No, I was not aware <Octal> So, how's the 3G on that thing? I can't wait to use that to use the internet on my bluetooth macbook whereever I go! <fo0bar> Octal: I've heard it's great, but I don't bother. I just leave my macbook at home and use my stereo bluetooth headset to listen to my music on the iPhone itself! <Octal> Wow! You mean I can just download music straight to the phone using iTunes? <Octal> I sure hope the unlocked iphones on ebay aren't too expensive. <fo0bar> they do tend to jack up the price on ebay, what with the removable SD cards they bundle into the package <fo0bar> and extra batteries <Screwtape> Octal: It's got a Real OS X Installation on there, so you ought to be able to download stuff and compile it yourself, if you want to! <Octal> fo0bar: does it have a built-in GPS or do I have to use a bluetooth GPS module? <fo0bar> it's built-in. I wrote a program using the OSX SDK to send my location to my website every few minutes, where it is fed into google maps <Rattus> wow, now I can stalk fo0bar from the comfort of my own computer creche <Octal> thanks to the magic of Apple's new iPhone!