[CrackMonkey] How about that John McCain?

J C Lawrence claw at kanga.nu
Wed Feb 2 00:27:27 PST 2000

On Wed, 2 Feb 2000 00:17:35 -0800 
Monkey Master <monkeymaster at crackmonkey.org> wrote:

> Brent Bottles once mentioned on CitNet that only inexperienced
> programmers ever complain of "bugs in the compiler".

At one point after an all-nighter I finally demonstrated that the
Apogee C compiler for Fairchild CLIPPER CPUs used the wrong
precendence order in processing the ternary operation (?:) in direct
violation of both K&R and the then current X3J11 ANSI draft.  Yes,
the resultant comments in the source, messages to my boss and Apogee
quite definitely complained of "bugs in the compiler".

The thrill of discovery did NOT make up for the pain.

I'm getting into the same position right now (tho with no
all-nighters praise be) with the, umm, less than glorious support
EGCS gives C++ (not that C++ is worth that much support, but that's
a different matter).

J C Lawrence                                 Home: claw at kanga.nu
----------(*)                              Other: coder at kanga.nu
--=| A man is as sane as he is dangerous to his environment |=--

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