[CrackMonkey] How about that John McCain?

Monkey Master monkeymaster at crackmonkey.org
Wed Feb 2 12:27:56 PST 2000

begin  J C Lawrence quotation:
> I won't even comment on EGCS' wonderful template or exception
> handling.

	Templates are what made me realize that C++ was a very poor
implementation of object-orientation.

	And I never grokked exception handling until I started in
python.  The whole C++ model is just way too broken.

	I prefer to write object-oriented C.  I create structs full of
member vars and methods (function pointers with initial values).
Inheritance is handled by making sure that the first member of a child
struct is a variable called "parent" that is of the type of the parent
struct.  That way you can always cast foo to fooparent, be it a
pointer or a structure on the stack.

	You don't get multiple inheritance this way, but there are
ways around that.

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