[CrackMonkey] Blackfoot reject Canadista rule!

Nick Moffitt nick at zork.net
Wed Feb 2 12:32:45 PST 2000

	GAR!  Fight them mounties!

----- from Ragboy <ragboy at outer.net> -----

The Blackfoot nation will declare its independence from the evil
Candanista empire on Feb. 12th. The meeting is in Washington state.
Here's their declaration. 

Kendall Clark <kclark at ntlug.org> on 02/01/2000 02:46:43 PM
This is from  Long Standing Bear Chief about the Blackfoot declaration:

Enclosed is a copy of our declaration as the Blackfoot Nation. Please
read it and get back to me with any questions. I must respectfully
disagree with your statement that we do not need nations. What we need
is more broad minded and accepting people who truly love their fellow
man. Would you suggest there be only one kind of flower?

Proclamation Restoring the Independence of the Sovereign Nation State
of Blackfoot

Let it be known, that We the Blackfoot speaking people of the
Blackfoot Nation, do solemnly declare our inherent sovereignty.
Therefore, We stand to clarify that our people have always enjoyed,
exercised a sovereign existence. Since time Immemorial, which was
given to us by our Creator to live in this way. Our sovereignty was
fraudulently coerced by the Dominion Government of Canada, at the 

----- End forwarded message -----

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