[CrackMonkey] snooty brits

ESP evan at bad-people-of-the-future.san-francisco.ca.us
Sat Feb 5 21:37:45 PST 2000

>>>>> "NM" == Nick Moffitt <nick at zork.net> writes:

    NM> After the iterview, he said "that was <mumble mumble>
    NM> on Feng Shui and I believe every word of it." as if to say
    NM> "Ha-ha!  Look at the quaint Orientals and their backward
    NM> superstitions!"

I think the condescending term you're looking for is "celestials."

Also, is an "iterview" a conversation that you repeat over and over?


       ESP <evan at bad-people-of-the-future.san-francisco.ca.us>
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