[CrackMonkey] And you know the Swiss love extra good things to eat.

Nick Moffitt nick at zork.net
Mon Feb 7 14:22:12 PST 2000

	This came with almost no headers or envelope information.
It actually bounced into my POSTMASTER address.  Gotta be one of the
most misguided spams I've ever received.

----- Forwarded message from MAILER-DAEMON -----

DATE: 03 Feb 00 9:53:49 PM
SUBJECT: Tastiest Pastry Ever !


Exquisite Pastry, Simple to Make.

The amazing find of  probably the oldest recipe known, from Bakers to
European Royality, has been found in a forgotten chamber of a Swiss Castle.
(and you know the Swiss love extra good things to eat)

This recipe was once used only in the baking kitchens of the 
Kings and Queens Castles of all of Europe and was such a well
kept secret that it was lost for hundreds of years.

The recipe is easy to follow and creates the finest pastry you
will ever taste. Strong words, but one taste and I’m sure you’ll agree.
 It can be sugar free or sugar added. Either way the results are scrumptious.

This marvelous pastry may be served as cookies,
 scone style or use any Holiday or figure dough cutter 
and it is very inexpensive to make !

You will be the envy of all your family and friends when you serve
this delightful pastry, you may even be good to yourself and
bake up a batch when no one is looking.

Be fore warned these pastries will disapear in front of your eyes !

My Grandmother was invited to a luncheon where this pastry was served
and she has not stopped raving about the delicious pastry that was passed to her.
My Granma, being a great cook herself, was an old friend of the luncheon
hostess and found out that a distant relative had sent the recipe, in a recent letter,
to the hostess. You know how good cooks love to share recipes.

I would like to share this recipe with you I don't know how
many of these recipes I'll be able to send so please write soon..

Make sure you send your e-mail address !

Please send  $5.00  US, to cover expenses, cash or check to;

Ellie Gilbert
P.O.Box  970232
Coconut Creek, FL

Please include your name and address and e-mail address.

----- End forwarded message -----

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