[CrackMonkey] The Gospel of Tux

Peter Peterson II pedro at zork.net
Tue Feb 8 13:07:56 PST 2000

begin  Eric Rachner quotation:
> > Some isp's I've heard of have moved their shell access to ssh, and then they
> > recommend Win9x ssh clients to their customers. These things go for around
> > $95 I'm told. That's GAR, huh?

also http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/

I am unfamiliar with Teraterm. Putty also happens to be teensy, and
just one executable that creates just a few files. Very sharp that
way, and it also supports ANSI beautifully.

P. A. Peterson II -- pedro at zork.net

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