[CrackMonkey] To the slashdot trolls

Bryan Fullerton bryanf at samurai.com
Thu Feb 10 22:25:11 PST 2000

On Thu, Feb 10, 2000 at 06:54:12PM -0600, Craig McPherson <craig at laceyonline.com> wrote:
> If you're not on either list, that means you're not important enough
> for me to remember.  Sorry.  Better luck next time!  Good luck to all.


If you weren't so boring I'd reply to your messages.  The Pokey cartoons
are mildly amusing, but the whole naked people turned to stone thing... is
that supposed to be offensive?  Seems a rather mundane fetish to me.

Then again, I do live up here with all the perverts.


Bryan Fullerton                http://bryanfullerton.com/
Core Competency
Samurai Consulting
Can you feel the Ohmu call?

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