[CrackMonkey] My object all sublime, I shall achieve in time...

Nick Moffitt nick at zork.net
Fri Feb 18 02:07:02 PST 2000

This is all in reference to the latest addition to the crackmonkey fan
mail page: http://crackmonkey.org/fanmail.html#CHAPTER3

----- Forwarded message from George Ankelis <gank at pigdog.org> -----

Date: Fri, 18 Feb 2000 02:05:00 -0800
From: George Ankelis <gank at pigdog.org>
To: webmaster at watchguard.com
Subject: Watchguard logo/link
User-Agent: Mutt/1.0i

I was wondering if you have a standard button image I could use to
link to your site from mine.  I am an independent network consultant
in the Atlanta area and I have often recommended and implemented your
fireboxes at my small business clients.  I noticed that everything on
your site has a rather strict copyright notice attached.  Is there a
GIF I could use?  Perhaps a "Watchguard NOW!" button?  :)

George A.
GANK consulting
<a href="mailto:gank at pigdog.org">gank at pigdog.org</a>

----- End forwarded message -----

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