[CrackMonkey] witty c++ text

Deirdre Saoirse deirdre at deirdre.net
Fri Feb 18 08:58:08 PST 2000

On Fri, 18 Feb 2000, Don Marti wrote:

> I don't think so. A couple good technical bookstores, some decent places
> to get computer and stereo hardware, and Hobee's blueberry coffee cake
> do not make up for the South Bay's inadequacies in transportation,

It's starting to improve, but suburbs never have as good public transit as
cities partly due to the thinner density of population.

With the thinner population density comes a lower crime rate.

> live music, 

Yes, we *all* miss live midwestern surf music.

> good bars, 


> and high-quality burritos. 

Look, just because YOU can't walk from your office and get good Mexican
food within a block doesn't mean I can't. I can't speak for burritos as I
can't eat them, but there is a fabulous Mexican place a block from where I
work (San Antonio / El Camino Real basically).

> Suburbia doesn't scale, and a good employer in a corporate office park
> wasteland is like a fast Linux server on the wrong side of a 14kbps
> modem connection.  Quality of life counts.

So, would you raise your kids in San Francisco? If so, why? If not, why

_Deirdre   *   http://www.linuxcabal.net   *   http://www.deirdre.net
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