[CrackMonkey] witty c++ text

Monkey Master monkeymaster at crackmonkey.org
Fri Feb 18 12:04:32 PST 2000

begin  Peter Peterson II quotation:
> I think cities are easier on parents because there are a million
> places to send them to get them out of your hair. I think most urban
> parents assume that their kids are doing worthwhile things because
> they're not willing to be active enough to actually know. Some
> people are lucky and find good things to do. Parents and the people
> in your environment can shape these things, regardless of where you
> live.  Certainly it's different kinds of stimulation, but to say
> that one is more intellectually valid or worthwhile is BLIND.

	Of course, an urbal upbringing is NO SUBSTITUTE for good
parenting, and good parents can make any place intellectually engaging
for the children.

	But the South Bay culture is that of NON-STOP WORK.  It's a
place where people spend GAZILLIONS on gasoline and mass daycare

> No, no, you have a point. It's a REAL SHAME that i had absolutely no
> engagement in Poplar, WI pop. 516. If I had only lived in a city. Oh
> the humanity. Think of how much more fulfilling my life could be.

	I may ammend my statement, because a GOOD small town can be
good as well.  I lived in a neighborhood of Seattle that was very
townish, even though I spent a lot of my time in the University
district and downtown.  A close-knit town can be just as engaging as
any city, partly because you don't have the zoning clusterfucks that
Don mentioned earlier.  You can step outside your house and walk to
the store or the library or cafes or WHATEVER.

	And having people know you is a nice thing.  Suburbia feeds
the automotive solipsism that Americans like to cling to.

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