[CrackMonkey] [afn41391@afn.org: [Pigdog] re: Great American Meatout]

Nick Moffitt nick at zork.net
Wed Feb 23 07:00:44 PST 2000

	Goddamn AFN bastards.  And HE complains about IDIOTS.

----- Forwarded message from NBII <afn41391 at afn.org> -----

> Meatout 2000 is Cooking!!!
> Join the stars - Casey Kasem, James Cromwell, Peter Falk, Mary Tyler
> Moore, Earl Holliman, Rue McClanahan, Cassandra 'Elvira' Peterson,
> Kevin Nealon, Ed Begley, Jr. and Hayley Mills - and thousands of
> other caring folks in all 50 states and several other countries for
> the 16th annual 
> "Great American Meatout".


Bedwettink pantzies!!!

I vill join zem in celbrashun, vile smearink large chunks uff meeat
ALLLLLL oferrr my botty unt sakrificink baaaaaaby caaaaves to ze Got
uff hyooomin kindnuss!!

ya ya....

This planet is just *covered* with Idiots. :-S

------- --------- ------- -------- ------- ------- -------
Nicholas Bretagna II 
mailto:afn41391 at afn.org

----- End forwarded message -----

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