[CrackMonkey] [mjaffe@actionace.com: E I G H T E E N H A L F T R U T H S .]

Morgan J morgan at netizen.com.au
Wed Feb 23 22:26:55 PST 2000

In article <20000223125452.A15819 at spinster.org>, Mae Ling Mak wrote:
>this voting thing is getting on my nerves. here, have a forward from a
>frind of mine. it's a bit crackmonkey.
>-------begin forwarded message-----
>E I G H T E E N   H A L F   T R U T H S .


Uh huh.  Who's let megaHAL at thier list of popular sayings?

bad megaHAL.  stole a biscuit.


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