[CrackMonkey] [mr.bad@pigdog.org: Re: [Pigdog] Quotable notes]
Paul J Collins
sneakums at eircom.net
Thu Jul 13 14:39:23 PDT 2000
>>>>> "Rick" == Rick Moen <rick at linuxmafia.com> writes:
Rick> begin Paul J Collins quotation:
>> Round where I work, they generate these horrible chains of
>> quoted replies that move farther and farther right, and that
>> require you to read from the bottom up if you're new to the
>> discussion.
Rick> You read from the bottom up if you suffer executive brain
Rick> damage. The stuff above is called "context" and is
Rick> Considered Helpful.
It's difficult not to read from the bottom if the replies are above
the quoted text.
Paul Collins <sneakums at eircom.net> - - - - - [ A&P,a&f ]
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