[CrackMonkey] dammit
Mr. Bad
mr.bad at pigdog.org
Thu Jul 27 14:22:29 PDT 2000
>>>>> "DM" == Don Marti <dmarti at zgp.org> writes:
DM> Napster this, Napster that, if I hear one more goddamn thing
DM> about Napster I'm going to shit. Fucking proprietary software
DM> company hogging bandwidth and shit. Like Pointcast but with
DM> shitty music. Fuckers. Die die die. I'm gonna buy me a
DM> Metallica shirt to wear to Linuxworld even though I haven't
DM> heard any Metallica since, like, 1990.
DAMN, Don! What's with the bad attitude? By the principle of the-enemy-
of-my-enemy-is-my-friend, you should be backing up Napster. Sure,
they're dumb proprietary yadda-yadda, but they're getting hit by the
RIAA, the people who'd love to find the headquarters of the Internet
and send it a cease-and-desist.
~Mr. Bad
/\____/\ Mr. Bad <mr.bad at pigdog.org>
\ / Pigdog Journal | http://pigdog.org/ | *Stay*Real*Bad*
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( ((**) "Throw shom-pan-yah in my face once, shame on you.
\ <vvv> Throw shom-pan-yah in my face twice, shame on me."
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