[CrackMonkey] [jammers@adbusters.org: WORLD CAR FREE DAY]
Paul J Collins
sneakums at eircom.net
Fri Sep 1 11:25:51 PDT 2000
>>>>> "Rick" == Rick Moen <rick at linuxmafia.com> writes:
Rick> begin Paul J Collins quotation:
>> My work mail (which is what I am talking about; I use Gnus for
>> my personal mail) is on an Exchange server.
Rick> Condolences. That would count against the employer, in the
Rick> decision whether to go somewhere better or not, in my book.
As it happens, it's one of our customers I'm on-site with at the
moment (and have been since last December, modulo some holidays and
interludes); my company also uses Exchange and Outlook internally,
having changed ("upgraded") from cc:Mail. I don't have an account on
my company's e-mail system, and I don't really need one. It's only
another way to be hassled. ;-)
I have already decided that I must move jobs; the thing about here is
that there is fairly low penetration of free software into businesses,
so it's likely I'll be working with proprietary stuff for a while yet.
>> I didn't claim it as a `feature'. I simply made an
>> observation.
Rick> An observation that it makes it "easier to support Outlook
Rick> users". Which strikes me as something to run away from with
Rick> all possible speed.
At the moment we have a 3:1 ratio of interns to "PC techs", which
means that I mostly get to tackle things when all the easy options
have been exhausted. However, these things are few and far between.
Paul Collins <sneakums at eircom.net> - - - - - [ A&P,a&f ]
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