[CrackMonkey] [jammers@adbusters.org: WORLD CAR FREE DAY]

Paul J Collins sneakums at eircom.net
Fri Sep 1 12:37:26 PDT 2000

>>>>> "George" == George Moffitt <zen at zork.net> writes:

    George> begin  Paul J Collins quotation:
    >> It makes me someone who can do the job they are paid to do.  As
    >> it were.

    George> The job who was paid to do?

Make that "he is".

    >> I didn't say that.  Using something day-to-day reveals lots of
    >> little details and niggles that an exam-cram will never impart.
    >> Maybe you should spend less time crack-wanking and learn to
    >> fucking read.

    George> My point was that your argument that you use Outlook to
    George> help you help Outlook users just put more points on your
    George> enabler card.

Until Rick prompted me to re-read the Linuxmanship document, I hadn't
really realised that I had one.

    George> I'm not a rude guy, generally, and I wasn't about to imply
    George> that you made the same mistakes as these Outlook friends
    George> of yours.

You were more forceful than rude.  I *was* rude, and I apologise.

Frankly, most of the so called "problems" we encounter are simple
things rooted in poor computer literacy.  Some companies think of
training as a cost rather than an investment.

Paul Collins <sneakums at eircom.net> - - - - - [ A&P,a&f ]
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"Love so deep, kills you in your sleep.  It's true!"

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