[CrackMonkey] [gl@ntlworld.com: Re: [Tron] Tron is everywhere, dammit!]

Nick Moffitt nick at zork.net
Tue Sep 5 15:17:41 PDT 2000

----- Forwarded message from gl <gl at ntlworld.com> -----

Wild.  Makes you wonder if they have any super-slow camera movements (also
dread to think what their 'bullets' would be ;).

Here's the homepage of the 'actress' in question (mentions the film, but no


And here's a funny review:

I did manage to track down the only TRON style picture from the guys that
made it (http://www.clickstudioshollywood.com/Main.html):


They have a bunch more pictures and a couple of movies, but all are just
straight porn, no more TRON shots.

One for the archives... and they say TRON is dead.


----- End forwarded message -----

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