[CrackMonkey] [Pigdog] YADCSS

Nick Moffitt nick at zork.net
Wed Sep 13 15:03:39 PDT 2000


----- Forwarded message from Yosemite Sam <yosemite at dasbistro.com> -----

For those of you running un*x try this out.  I promise it won't make
your computer explode.

dig @ goret.org. axfr | grep '^c..\..*A' | sort \
| cut -b5-36 | perl -e 'while(<>){print pack("H32",$_)}' \
| gzip -d | tee dnscss.c

(  ) "Yosemite" Sam                                               |HB
J,o  yosemite at dasbistro.com                                       |SRB
 \|  Reno, Nevada                                                 |DD

----- End forwarded message -----

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