[CrackMonkey] Another global networked filesystem

Paul J Collins sneakums at eircom.net
Sun Sep 17 09:56:40 PDT 2000

>>>>> "RM" == Rick Moen <rick at linuxmafia.com> writes:

    RM> begin  Paul J Collins quotation:
    >> This sfs thing looks damn interesting.  It looks a little like
    >> the bastard child of nfs and ssh.

    RM> I came across that while researching the recent amelioration
    RM> of the USA's batshit-crazy Department of Commerce "export"
    RM> regulations on encryption software.

I remember a big ``Huh?'' appearing in a cloud over my head when I
first read about that.

    RM> Commerce is dragging its feet on officially stating that
    RM> binary versions of open-source crypto is likewise freely
    RM> exportable without restriction: There's been a proposed change
    RM> of policy to that effect (July 17), but there resulting
    RM> government synaptic activity usually takes about three months
    RM> to kick in, so I'm guessing maybe end of September to
    RM> mid-October.

I guess the reasoning behind the restrictions on binaries was that
they felt binaries are harder to ``audit'' than source.

    RM> http://www.bxa.doc.gov/Encryption/July2KProposedRegSum.html
    RM> http://cryptome.org/bxa091300.htm

    RM> Meanwhile, feel free to tell us what it's like to live in the
    RM> free world.

Let's see.  Petrol and diesel are growing more expensive by the day
(~85c/L), food is more expensive and less varied (but we have better
chocolate), anything with a chip in is more expensive, if you buy a
twenty-grand Land Rover you pay 12 grand tax unless you let them take
out the back seats and block up the rear side windows, it rains all
the time, a two-bedroom house starts at around 120,000 punts,
inflation is closing rapidly on seven per cent, the EU has decided it
likes software patents after all and we can use strong crypto.


Paul Collins <sneakums at eircom.net> - - - - - [ A&P,a&f ]
 GPG: 0A49 49A9 2932 0EE5 89B2  9EE0 3B65 7154 8131 1BCD
(use 'gnu)
(provide 'liberty)

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