[CrackMonkey] [Tron] Automan!

Sean McAfee mcafee at umich.edu
Mon Sep 18 08:20:57 PDT 2000

"Chris J. DiBona" <chris at dibona.com> wrote:
>Automan rocked!  "Come along cursor, make my car into a plane", and the 90
>degree turn joke was very funny, although the next 2000 times they used
>it, less so.

The Sci-Fi Channel also aired Automan back in the summer of '94.  I taped
most of the episodes, and though I haven't watched them since, I still
remember what I consider the best line of the series:

(The scene: Automan is confused when a woman comes on to him at a

Automan:  [Desi], a woman just asked me what my sign is.  What does that
mean?  What should I say when people ask me that?

Desi:  Tell them you're an Apple II.

Sean McAfee | GCS d->-- s+++: a28 C++ US+++ P+++$ L++ E- W+ N++ |
            | K w--- O? M- V-- PS+ PE Y+ PGP?>++ t+() 5++ X R+  | mcafee@
            | tv+ b++ DI++ D+ G e++ h r---* y+>++               | umich.edu

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