[CrackMonkey] The "Double-B" (Was: Being there (Was: [Fwd: Mail System Error - Returned Mail])

Paul J Collins sneakums at eircom.net
Tue Sep 19 17:22:47 PDT 2000

>>>>> "George" == George J P Perry <geoperry at iww.org> writes:

    George> Of four impediments laid against lyingscumbags, the latest
    George> was spelling our ip-record with a double-b.

You make it sound like its not lyingscumbags' fault.  It is.  And from
what I recall, it was an MX record.  There is no such DNS record type
as an IP record.

Paul Collins <sneakums at eircom.net> - - - - - [ A&P,a&f ]
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(provide 'liberty)

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