[CrackMonkey] Req: svga video-driver for Packard Bell Model 850

George J.P. Perry geoperry at iww.org
Tue Sep 26 11:52:05 PDT 2000

We (@rxcbc) have old computers.  One had nice graphics, but was getting
kinda' sluggish; so one of my colleagues re-formatted its disk.  

Now -- even after installing from the original Packard Bell cd, and
getting latest win98 updates -- windows insists that standard vga is the
best that the machine can display...

... even though its bios offers to assign from one to four megabytes
(1-4MB) for videoram.  

I've followed <packardbell.com> to its support-pages.  

I've left messages on <driverguide.com>.  And elsewhere.  

All in vain.  So to speak.  

Please help us find an svga driver for the model 850.  

Hopefully... and I really am... -g

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