[CrackMonkey] Patent infringement! Patent infringement!

Don Marti dmarti at zgp.org
Thu Sep 28 10:28:18 PDT 2000

Digital Convergence is infringing ETrade's super-elite patented
encryption, or vice versa.

----- Forwarded message from Tim Hollebeek <thollebeek at CIGITAL.COM> -----

Date:         Wed, 27 Sep 2000 14:51:18 -0400
From: Tim Hollebeek <thollebeek at CIGITAL.COM>
Subject:      E*TRADE's encryption algorithm is XOR
Delivered-To: dmarti at zgp.org
Approved-By: aleph1 at SECURITYFOCUS.COM
Delivered-To: bugtraq at lists.securityfocus.com
Delivered-To: bugtraq at securityfocus.com
Reply-To: Tim Hollebeek <thollebeek at CIGITAL.COM>
X-cc:         Gary McGraw <gem at cigital.com>, "viega at list.org" <viega at list.org>

Jeffrey Baker's advisory on security vulnerabilities with E*TRADE's web
interface describes the cookie encryption algorithm in terms of a lookup
table, and Marc Slemko has posted an implementation with a series of
compares, additions, and subtractions.

In fact, it is much worse: The encryption scheme is just XOR with a fixed

"Encryption" proceeds as follows:

1. Take the ASCII byte and XOR it with 0xA8.                   (e.g. for 'f'
[0x66] -> [0xCE])

2. Split it into the high and low nibbles.                     (e.g. [0xCE]
-> [0xC, 0xE])

3. Add 0x40 to produce an uppercase letter or '@'              (e.g. [0xC,
0xE] -> "LN")

Repeat for the rest of the characters in the username and password.  That's

Tim Hollebeek
Cigital, Inc.
(formerly Reliable Software Technologies)

----- End forwarded message -----

Don Marti                               dmarti at linuxjournal.com
Technical Editor, Linux Journal                    650-962-9601
Published by SSC                            http://www.ssc.com/

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