[CrackMonkey] TNICNAZ!

Nick Moffitt nick at zork.net
Thu Sep 28 16:53:36 PDT 2000

Okay you lazy louts, you have NO EXCUSES.

You've seen th pigdog announcement for ages, and you know I'll be
there, because:

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  |    |   |  |  \|  |  \_  __ \/  ___// __ |\__  \<   |  |
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  |____|   |___|  /____/ |__|  /____  >____ |(____  / ____|
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        \/   \/        /_____/      \/        \/        \/

	So show up, you goddamn sheep-fucking excuses for freemasons.

	I'll be there at 9pm.

CrackMonkey.Org - Non-sequitur arguments and ad-hominem personal attacks
LinuxCabal.Org  - Co-location facilities and meeting space 
Pigdog.Org      - The Online Handbook for Bad People of the Future
                You are not entitled to your opinions.

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