[free-sklyarov] Hacker

Michael Scottaline nbhs2 at i-2000.com
Mon Aug 6 16:02:55 PDT 2001

On Mon, 6 Aug 2001 14:48:45 -0700 (MST)
Austin Hook <marvin at qubit.computershop.calgary.ab.ca> insightfully noted:

AH>     So I think newspapers who use headlines "Hacker... Dmitry ..."
AH> should
AH> be threatened for suit for defamation, with sufficient remedy being to
AH> publish either a retraction, or else a detailed explanation of how
AH> "hacker" need not be interpreted as criminal.  This should not be
AH> necessary for publications whose targeted readership already knows
AH> this,
AH> but for publications that are deliberately using the word "hacker",
AH> knowing that their readership is ignorant of the fair meaning of
AH> "hacker"
AH> then, if they are not doing it to defame, they must provide sufficient
AH> and
AH> constant clarification to their readership what they mean by hacker,
AH> sufficient that at least a majority of their readership knows that
AH> they
AH> are not implying that hacker=criminal, and why a hacker is not a
AH> criminal
AH> in general.
Hmm......, now it should be our turn to censor and violate a
constitutional right?  If calling Dmitry a hacker is not blatant libel
then I don't think the press can be stopped (nor should they) for using
the term.  If calling Dmitry a "hacker" is clearly an untruth and done
with "malicious intent" then perhaps you have a case.

"I decry the current tendency to seek patents on algorithms.  There are
better ways to earn a living than to prevent other people from making
use of one's contributions to computer science."
                                -- Donald E. Knuth, TAoCP vol 3

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