[free-sklyarov] Monday August 13th, San Jose

Stephen R. Savitzky steve at theStarport.org
Fri Aug 10 19:52:31 PDT 2001

Don Marti <dmarti at zgp.org> writes:

> Steve,
> > Make that a songbook and add a guitar, if you have 'em.  I recommend
> > _Rise Up Singing_.
> Are you bringing your guitar?  And will you do your song about Dmitry?
> If so, I'll bring extra copies of the lyrics.

Yes.  Of course, plus anything else I can think up over the weekend.
Many thanks.   

This sounds like it's going to be fun!

 /   Steve Savitzky   \ 1997 Pegasus Award winner: best science song--+  \
/ <steve at theStarport.org>      http://theStarport.com/people/steve/   V   \
\   hacker/songwriter:       http://theStarport.com/people/steve/Doc/Songs/
 \_ Kids' page: MOVED ---> http://Interesting.Places.to/Browse/forKids/ _/

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