[free-sklyarov] Summary of 8/14/2001 Global IRC Summit

Klepht klepht at eleutheria.org
Thu Aug 16 00:39:53 PDT 2001

At the global IRC summit, we made the following decisions. Note that
some reference previous decisions; interested persons should check
the summary for the last summit.

        * Per previous decision, the following two petitions were
          agreed upon:


        * As mentioned before, the first is for the US Attorney, and
          the second is for local or national legislators. The second
          can and should be customized for local use.

        * Tabinda Khan will be laying out these petitions for printing
          and signing. She'll also provide info on how to collect sigs
          for the US Attorney and mail them to a central address
          (already chosen) so they can be assembled and presented all
          at once.

        * The petitions are short and simple. They should both be
          accompanied by a fact sheet for signers to understand the
          issue. The legislator petition should be accompanied by a
          cover sheet when delivered/sent.

        * The US Attorney petition signatures should be sent in by Sep

        * An event to present the petition in person to the US
          Attorney's office will occur in October.

        * Local events to present petitions to local legislators in
          person are recommended.

        * We re-confirmed August 23 and August 30 as good dates for
          the next two coordinated protests. Some local groups will
          shift these dates or concentrate on other efforts.

        * For September, we agreed on two dates for coordinated
          events: 9/8 and 9/24.

        * 9/8 will be a national letter-writing day. We'll be
          assembling to write letters to congresspersons, industry
          leaders, etc. etc. about Dmitry. Some templates, etc. will
          be provided.

        * 9/24 will be a street demonstration, no coordinated theme as
          of yet.

        * We considered several organizational changes: forming an
          umbrella national group, aligning more closely with the EFF,
          or other mechanisms. We decided the current set up (lots of
          independent local groups staying closely connected through
          email) is "modular and scalable" (thanks, samp B-).

        * Afterwards, there was an open discussion on strategy and
          tactics for the next few months. Although a lot of good
          points were made, no particular consensus was arrived
          at. Interested people should check the IRC log; it is very
          good reading.

Thanks to everyone who made it.


klepht at eleutheria.org

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