[free-sklyarov] [cananian@lesser-magoo.lcs.mit.edu: [DMITRY-BOSTON] [DB-ANNOUNCE] "The Future of Fair Use"] (fwd)

Jay Sulzberger jays at panix.com
Sun Dec 9 13:13:12 PST 2001

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Date: Sun, 09 Dec 2001 15:18:22 -0500
From: Don Saklad <dsaklad at gnu.org>
To: jays at panix.com
Subject: [cananian at lesser-magoo.lcs.mit.edu: [DMITRY-BOSTON] [DB-ANNOUNCE]
    "The Future of Fair Use"]

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Envelope-to: dsaklad at gnu.org
From: "C. Scott Ananian" <cananian at lesser-magoo.lcs.mit.edu>
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Subject: [DMITRY-BOSTON] [DB-ANNOUNCE] "The Future of Fair Use"
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Date: Sun, 9 Dec 2001 14:59:06 -0500 (EST)

Dmitry-boston has been rather quiet lately, but the issues haven't gone
away.  I've still been talking to people/classes and writing letters: it's
been almost five months since Dmitry was arrested, five months away from
his country, home, and family.

Jonah Jenkins at the Rotch Library here at MIT has been organizing a
Librarians' conference on Fair Use issues; I'll be there assistent in some
still-vague way (perhaps in on the panel discussion).  It's at MIT, this
Tuesday; Jonah told me, "If there's anyone you'd like to invite to just
show up, without registering, that's perfectly fine," so I'm inviting all
of you!  It should be an excellent chance to network with librarians and
figure out how best to take the next step forward in our advocacy on these
issues.  The announcement is attached: hope to see lots of you there!
[If you can't make the full day, the program schedule is at
 perhaps you'd like to catch one or two of the speakers individually.]


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American Society for Information Science & Technology  - New England Chapter
(NEASIST) presents:

"The Future of Fair Use"

The Digital Millennium Copyright Act has raised many questions about the
future of fair use in research, education, publishing, music, art, and
countless other aspects of our information society. Join us in discussing
the DMCA, Fair Use and continued access to copyrighted materials. Learn what
can be, and is being done to shape the future of Fair Use.

When:   Tuesday, December 11, 2001; 8:30 am - 4:45 pm
Where:  Wong Auditorium
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Building E-51
Cambridge, MA
Directions to MIT: http://whereis.mit.edu/doc/getting-to-mit.html
Wong Auditorium:  http://whereis.mit.edu/bin/map?locate=wong

Speakers will include:

* Walter McDonough, Esq., General Counsel for the Future of Music Coalition
* Robin Gross, Esq., Fair Use Attorney, Electronic Frontier Foundation
* Professor Patricia Seed, Rice University
* Professor Jonathan Zittrain, Berkman Center, Harvard Law School
* Ivy Anderson, Library Digital Initiative, Harvard University

Registration fee includes continental breakfast and refreshments.  Lunch is
not included.
Registrations will be processed on a first come, first served basis.  Online
registration is encouraged.
Registrations must be received by December 1, 2001.

Registration costs:
ASIS member:  $55
Non-member: $65
Student/Retiree/Between jobs: $30

For more information (including where to park), and registration
instructions, see:
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------

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