[free-sklyarov]Free Skylarov Street Action Strike Force!

Nick Moffitt nick at zork.net
Wed Jul 18 11:24:59 PDT 2001

begin  Klepht quotation:
> Oh, yeah: anyone banked "freeskylarov.org" yet?
> P.S. A "Free Skylarov" web page would probably get ./'d.

	We'd have to grab "freesklyarov" as well as the misspelling

	The machine that hosts this mailing list could support a
freesklyarov.org Web site, and come through a slashdotting fairly
intact.  It's sitting largely alone on a 600kbps SDSL link, so it's
not a super powerhouse, but it has survived slashdotting before.

> P.P.S. Is Don Marti involved yet?

	Wearing his burnallgifs-style hat, I'm not sure.

	But if you were to send him an article on the Sklyarov case,
I'm sure he'd be able to get it published.

You are not entitled to your opinions.
	01234567 <- The amazing* indent-o-meter! 
        ^	    (*: Indent-o-meter may not actually amaze.)

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