[free-sklyarov] lawyer, diplomatic counsel, etc

Dave Sherohman esper at sherohman.org
Thu Jul 19 11:16:39 PDT 2001

On Thu, Jul 19, 2001 at 08:04:20PM +0200, B. Trueger wrote:
> I am jumping in to find out if D. Sklyarov already has a capable lawyer.

The EFF appears to be interested in handling his defense.

> Has
> he made contact with his embassy for legal advice? Is he allowed to contact
> agencies and organisations like EFF or wired ?

According to a message by Bill Scannell to this list early this morning,
Dmitry has not been allowed contact with the Russian consulate or any
other outside agency.  It is suspected that the FBI may be holding him
in solitary confinement, but, AFAIK, this has not been confirmed.

> Currently in the media (here in Germany) is the story that the US
> authorities "like" to forget about declaring the rights an arrested alien
> has in their country (which means contact to his embassy and such). Reading
> here that even his family is cut off from contact, it sound to me that this
> might by another case like it.

Yep, it sounds like it probably is.

It's as if we outlawed cars on the principle that they could be used
to help crooks escape from bank robberies. - Dan Gillmore on the DMCA

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