[free-sklyarov] How about getting the American Library Association (ALA) to make a statement of support for Sklyarov and against the DMCA?

Will Doherty wild at eff.org
Fri Jul 20 09:12:57 PDT 2001

I've approached Judith Krug, who is the ALA person that
handles a lot of the intellectual freedom issues.

Free Dmitry,

Will Doherty
Online Activist / Media Relations
Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF)
Web http://www.eff.org

Electronic Frontier Foundation - Protecting rights in the digital age

At 10:55 AM 7/20/2001 -0500, noring at olagrande.net wrote:
>Sam Gray wrote:
> >I realize this is tangential to the immediate purpose of the list, which is
> >to get Dmitry out of jail, but in the larger scheme of things, there's
> >another large group of people who are just as mad about the DMCA, if not
> >more so, as the geeks:  librarians.  (Spider Robinson said of librarians:
> >"They're the Secret Masters of the Universe.  Don't ever piss one off.")
> >
> >Librarians are our natural allies on this issue, and it's not too late to
> >recruit them for picket lines.
>Yes, good point. I suggest EFF approach ALA and ask them to
>at least issue a position paper on this affair, and hope
>they will become more active than that.
>Jon Noring
>free-sklyarov mailing list
>free-sklyarov at zork.net

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