[free-sklyarov] Future Credibility

Paul Gowder paul at paultopia.net
Fri Jul 20 13:45:34 PDT 2001

I agree _completely_.  Cancelling Monday would be VERY, VERY, VERY 
BAD.  Trust us on this.  I give about 400-1 odds that this meeting with 
Adobe will be nothing more than a therapy session.  The protests go on as 


At 02:12 PM 7/20/01, you wrote:
>Cancelling Monday's events is going to put egg on all inforights
>activists' face for future demonstrations. Can you imagine trying to
>convince people to come to another event in the future? "Oh, SURE
>you're going to have a demonstration... just like at the Free Dmitry
>event. Whatever, dude."
>Media, activist organizations, computer user groups, etc., etc. aren't
>going to take us as seriously in the future if we cancel now.
>So, again, there's a BIG PRICE being paid here.
>klepht at eleutheria.org
>free-sklyarov mailing list
>free-sklyarov at zork.net

	-Paul Gowder

"It's because they're stupid. That's why everyone does everything."
     - Homer Simpson

	<paul at paultopia.net>


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